Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Sleeping Beauty

Fallen for this cruel trick
Asleep by the spindle's prick
Here in the candle lit lair
Lies a maiden snow white fair

Curling strands of raven curls
Like a newly black bud unfurls
Every night the rising moon
Knows that she will die soon

No one has a memory to keep
The whole land's fallen asleep
Through the years the castle is worn
Covered by sharp black rose thorns

But beauty, look love showed through
Ur prince charming is coming for u
But look at how pitifully he bleeds
Pain on his flesh it feeds

But then steps in cruel fate
As soon as he reaches the Gate
Attacked by huge ravens and crows
They tear his flesh from his bones

All that's left are bloody lakes
But alas! No one ever wakes
For broken love no one cries
Even when true love dies

Pieces can't be put together
Sleep beauty, sleep forever....

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